Friday, September 25, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Cucumber Jumbo Jet! (With Bigger Aisle Seats)

I would like to inform all those who are informable what has been happening in the life of myself and my wife Laura. We have officially moved to Ontario, although we are living at my parents place. We will have our own home by the beginning of December. Until then I am working making phone calls and receiving phone calls and trying to get as much skateboarding in as I can until the snow falls.
Most Seasons I would be sitting on the edge of my seat trying to figure out a machine to chill up the outside air and cause it to snow prematurely - not this year though. I am pretty much through with Snowboarding. I had a lot of fun while I did it and I have done just about everything I wanted to do on it. I rode the black park in Whistler through myself needlessly off of their jumps, hit handrails and learned how to go upside down. If there was one thing that I would still do on my snowboard it would have to be shred pow. There aint a thing like it. From now on its skateboarding for me sir.
Oh also Laura and I are having a Baby in the new year. We are due the end of Feb. So that is gonna be a crazy change in life. I can't imagine what life is gonna be like once the baby has come. It trips me out each time I think about It.
Anyway. I'm sick right now and I can't wait to get better so that I can skate and take more photos.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009